All Street Wojax: Concept

All Street Wojax
4 min readJan 19, 2022

To delve into the Wild West of the NFT scene and create or to play it safe(r) and trade?

That was a question I pondered before deciding to dive head first into creating an NFT project.
It would have been the easy route to sit there behind my screen and spend hours upon hours trawling what the latest hot NFT new release was, joining multiple discords daily and burrowing in amongst various communities so I’d feel comfortable minting and acquiring off the second hand market; or working out whether to flip or hold my cards.

The easy route has never been my way of doing things though and this was no different.
The lure of creating, building and throwing myself into a new scene and project with the potential of becoming somewhat of a pioneer of our beloved NFT space, and building an awesome community was too enticing.
There is more background to my personal story but we’ll leave that for another future article as I invite you, the reader, to get to know me (and some of the ASW team).

Seshlord.eth and myself had been chatting for a while about creating something to represent both our experience within the space as well as paying homage to those who have helped create the buzz and literally changed people lives.
We felt we had the knowledge to create such a project and that instead of leaving our fate in the hands of unscrupulous anon developers, or artists who may come and go, the ever present threat of the infamous rug pull (you haven’t really crypto’d unless you’ve been rugged!); we decided we’d put our heads together and make Wojax a reality.

At this point due to some of our past experiences within both the crypto and NFT scenes, the internet meme known as ‘Wojak’ or sometimes as ‘Feels Guy’ was a character we felt showed the plight of the everyday man trying to ‘make it’… WAGMI btw!

So we had the discussion of how to do this properly, asked for some advice from a few of those around us and went about creating the company Metaverse Labs with our legal team.
This was an important part of the journey and we’re glad we took the time to dot the i’s and cross the T’s so to speak, as it provided peace of mind moving forward for both us and those who decide to become part of the project.
This was also good timing on our behalf, as within the week post establishment of Metaverse Labs it become apparent Zuck was rebranding Facebook to Meta and as with all things technocracy they like to throw their weight around and quash the small guy. In this case Meta had decided to acquire all things ‘Metaverse’ and was allegedly using heavy handed tactics to do so. I digress…

Now where were we.. ah yes, Wojax.
So the next call of order was to create the art; how should we do it?
Hire an established artist? Use someone from Fiverr (jokes, come on guys!). Create it ourselves?
I’m never one to back down from a challenge so off I went to buy a drawing tablet and teach myself how to draw.
We certainly wanted our art to be a Degenerate form of art work, but what I came out with was maybe a little too far to release as our first foray into the NFT creators scene.
The traits we came up with were wild though and we’re super excited for you guys to have as much fun revealing your Wojax as we did conceiving them!
We consulted with our animator friend and took their advice in contracting a pro artist to give us a clean version of the Wojax, and these will be the version we are minting.
The ‘Degen Wojax’ will certainly have their day in the sun though. (psst. see our roadmap!)

The core thinking behind ASW is to create something amazing via the nature of the people within the scene.
We felt a responsibility to provide something to people out there who missed the wave of BAYC, minting Kongz straight off of Opensea, or looking at Ghxsts when they first released and deciding to pass.
It happens, and as creators of ASW we’ve missed plenty of opportunities ourselves.
Our vision is to provide an opportunity to everyone: newcomers, the established, and of course the Degens 💚
The opportunity to become an early (yes we’re still early) creator within the NFT scene is something close to our hearts and we will do everything within our power to make All Street Wojax a successful, well known, well run, vibrant community project that rewards the faith of it’s believers.

Final Thought:
Harnessing the power of community is vital to the success of any fledgling NFT project.
Your voice must be heard, one way or another.



All Street Wojax

All Street Wojax is a collection of 6969 generative NFTs on the Ethereum Blockchain focused on raising Mental Health Awareness.